Context: this week’s theme was body, and like last week I gave myself a set time limit to come up with an idea and execute it. My response is inspired by Philip Worthington’s Shadow Monsters where you move in front of the light box and your movements are then captured and input into a computer then transformed into monster body shapes and projected ( which we viewed in class and the game Pictionary. I also managed to relate it to my practice as an animator, since silhouettes are very important to keep in mind as they make your work stronger, so why not turn that into a game?
Method: I wrote down some prompts (emotions; angry, sad, excited, satisfied, etc.) on pieces of paper which the player picks out of a bowl and then proceeds to create a silhouette conveying that emotion which the other players have to guess. I used the flashlight from an iPhone and an empty wall.
Response: I play tested the game with my sister and because of space restraints, the player guessing could see the other player’s face while they tried to create a silhouette which made guessing somewhat easier. It would be better to play in a bigger space where the silhouette would be the focus. It was also a challenge to remember that we weren’t playing charades and had to exaggerate the pose so that it could be conveyed in shadow.
Play test video: