1. I am making a 2D animation with the theme of wrong perspective.
Rationale and Motivation
2. because I want to find out how the world looks like and what would happen if there is a wrong perspective.
Impact and Significance
3. In order to help my community of practice understand how to use wrong perspective to create an playful background.
Storyboard page 1:
Storyboard page 2:
Storyboard page 3:
Storyboard page 4:
This work is about developing the treatment of time within my animated tapestry concept. I started by developing a story following the events of The Hunt of The Unicorn tapestries in reverse order, as a knight’s journey re-traces the events.
The story takes place after the events of the tapestries, and thus I had to carefully consider the way I edited the scope of the story for the plot. As I edit the animation, I plan on including the original tapestries as title cards between the ‘chapters’, allowing the viewer to immediately see the connections between the two and witness both timelines at once. I also explored imitating the pacing of the tapestries: a slow beginning, before more action and movement takes pace.
This treatment of time is similar to ‘Last Year at Marienbad’ (1961), wherein a man insists a year has passed to a woman he has had an affair with, whereas she claims they have never met. The film shifts between flashbacks and the ‘present’, offering pieces of multiple different parts of the narrative at once.
Initially, I had planned to just to show my story about the knight without displaying the tapestries. However, after talking about my idea within class I realised including the reference would provide more clarity for the viewer. When thinking of how to do this, I thought of how ‘Last Year at Marienbad’ communicated multiple parts of the timeline at once, and decided to incorporate a similar approach.