Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

During the module, we are given with different weekly themes to play around with. The exercises below are the outcomes as I indulged and played with these themes. 

(Click headers to go to full doc)


Observation is more than just seeing, it encompasses a far greater range of sensory input. Reflection on this idea of observation without sight is at the core of this work. To explore this notion , I created a simple visual replication of what one might see with their eyes closed. 


Play with time ~ a certain sense of rhythm . Playing on an audio reactive system created in Unity, the idea of Time was experimented and played with in a number of ways ,Time as Rhythm - The whole experience is a loop in itself, it’s realtime and is everchanging even if the same song is loaded it’ll give a different visual approach, It’s repetitive yet very much not. Each previous frame is snapshotted and paused which gives us this interesting visual response, which is also a play with time in a technical context. This work also feeds on one of the modules(audio reakt) needed for the studio project - Multiverse.


Combining forces with Phoebe and Rachel Thompson, we created a multiplayer VR gameplay prototype. I tinkered with external controllers including ardruino kit to come up with ideas and mechanics to combine these technologies with VR.


A place is an immersion - knowledge and experience are situated in the interplay between person and environment. Expanding on this ideation alongside Virtual Reality and 360 immersive projected spaces, I experimented with number of 360 renders creating some exciting visuals. 

Discovering these outcomes which were result of squashed 360degree visuals in a square plane, they also make me wonder on what if that might be the way or perception through some other planetary eyes. 

Derived from and completing on a 360 underwater scene of a drowning girl which will be projected in a 180 immersive theatrical ‘Les Mysteres Du Louvre’ with ReAction Theatre.


Playing with the idea of force as an external input from the user with an internal ingame mechanic, a system for a bubble burst was created where when touched gently it floats away and if hard hit, it bursts. This exploration also feeds in for my studio project Multiverse.

About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 28/08/2019


APD, Advanced Play Design