Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Places - an Environment, an immersion, holds a significant value in any kind of immersive experience, especially 360 immersive projection or in a VR environment. Our environment may also define our perception and vice versa, knowledge and experience are situated in the interplay between person and environment.

Section 2: Human Perception and Environmental Experience by elaborates and quotes several philosophers along with these ideas.

"our self image and consequently the way we perceive ourselves to interact with our environment” Karen Carr (1995 , p - 4)who also further reflects on sense of physical reality stating that our sense of physical reality is a construct derived from symbolic, information directly presented to our senses noting that aspects of our physical reality are only present in an incomplete, noisy form and our eyes provide only a fleeting series of snapshots of only parts of things present in our visual perception, influenced by a prior knowledge brought to perceptual analysis of one's sensory input, interpreting these objects to exist in their entirety, Carr citing Gregory , 1980.

Stimulated and Virtual Realities : Elements of Perception, Tailor and Francis Publications, 1995 .
Steuer (1964 , p.21) who defines a medium as an extension of man, reflecting how technology is just an extension to our human psyche.

Jonathan Steuer , 1992 :‘Defining Virtual Reality : Dimensions Determining Telepresence‘, Journal of Communication , Stanford University ,


My method was to create an immersive experience - an immersive underwater experience, I also discovered these outcomes as I indulged in , they may be a sense of different planetary perceptions of its environment. As I indulged in creating this space, this extension of technology also became a place for me to tinker and create as kept I finding interesting outcomes.

=== Response(sz)
A number of places-visuals were discovered while experimenting with VR 360 render settings.
(free wallpapers :D!_)

Above visuals were derivative of - 

These videos are stretched 360 renders -Might put them together for a small VR parable probably called ricochet, with ambisonic 3D sounds to drown oneself into.
These are monoscopic 360 videos but for VR, they'll be rendered again n Stereoscopic 360. 

(A ricochet is a rebound, bounce or skip off a surface. )

Making plus extras = 


if you've read it till here and would like to dig deeper on how its all done, here's a bonus link : password is drown 
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About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 19/08/2019




APD, Advanced Play Design