Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


As I observed my thoughts trying to gather ideas and looking around to find my concepts around the observation, I decided to not to look, closing my eyes -
and that's where I observed my context for this weeks theme observation. 
Seeing without looking. Observation is not only related to looking or our visual sense, it goes much further than that, it's maybe a sense in its own or a combination of other senses. As I closed my eyes and observed  - it takes me through the memory lanes of times I've experienced this. sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the dark rooms- you can see visual colours and patterns. In sun it's mostly red, and if you look at it long enough with your eyes closed it changes frequently from green to blue to white, providing you with a personal visual dance of colours and patterns. In a dark room, it's black but a noisy black- and if one stays conscious with eyes closed long enough, this black noise becomes a more apparent closed eye visual with a proceeding level (ref 3* below).

The times you've closed your eyes in a sunny day and have further tried to cover it with your hands or under a tree shade. or just when you've rubbed your eyes. These patterns or Visuals are also common during meditation experiences.


These patterns are described as Phosphenes < > .

A research article by IstvánBókkon <> describes the visual sensation of phosphenes is due to the intrinsic perception of ultraweak bioluminescent photon emission of cells in the visual system. In other words, phosphenes are bioluminescent biophotons in the visual system induced by various stimuli (mechanical, electrical, magnetic, ionizing radiation, etc.) as well as random bioluminescent biophotons firings of cells in the visual pathway. This biophoton emission can become conscious if induced or spontaneous biophoton emission of cells in the visual system exceeds a distinct threshold. 

3* also talks on levels of this Closed Eye Visual (CEV) Noise.


Here I recreate a more common pattern/simple gradient colour merge that may occur when you close your eyes and see for a while. Though my representation can seem a bit exaggerated, but maybe it's a windy day and you are lying under a tree with closed eyes and sun rays penetrating through the leaves.

Close your eyes, observe what you see.


About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 29/07/2019


APD, Advanced Play Design