Theme: Play and Object
Context: The topic of the week for CPS was tinkering and I had found a website called which has a bunch of activities that can be done using tinkering and the one that appealed to me most is 2 frame animation using household items which reminded me of the first video games to come out such as Super Mario Bros. They had very simple animation loops for the characters but they still got the message across to the viewer. I thought that the two topics were similar and could fit together.
Method: I started looking around me for items I could use but also emulate a real life creature, object etc. I decided on a frilly zipper from an old bag and a pair of pliers and went with an under the sea theme. The first object reminded me of an octopus and the second of a crocodile.
Response: I noticed that doing two frame animation required a lot of thinking ahead to ensure that there was an actual loop occurring, which worked with one but not with the other. This one was also more challenging because it was completed during class time, and I generally find myself taking a longer time to come up with ideas.