Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Play and objects


This week, I'm going to focus on objects.How do ordinary things in life become interesting new things?I'll try to do something about it.I didn't think much about it until I saw this video

: Jeff DE Boer, the an artist -based in Calgary, Canada.has been creating various styles of armor for cats and mice,and his work has been very inspiring to me.


I saw my cat around and I wanted to make a cat crown.I found some nails and clips that couldn't be easily held together because of the material differences, so I gave up on those nails.I made a crown out of some different clips.But the crown didn't fit on the head because it didn't have a skeleton to support it.So I tried to make a collar for the cat.


Objects can be broken down into smaller parts and then assembled into something completely different.Interestingly, collars made of clips are like armor on a warrior's shoulder, and also like rings in Elizabethan times.


It's not easy to create new things, but life sometimes brings new ideas.Handmade was very limited and required the right cutting tools and glue, so overall the production did not meet my expectations, but I enjoyed the process of finding the materials and designing them.

About This Work

By chythia shen
Email chythia shen
Published On: 02/06/2021


