Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In the first week, taking the topic of freedom, I made a lot of wiki promises about freedom by linking it to the freedom to dream, otherworldly crossings and so on. Made a lot of wiki promises about freedom, made a lot of linear narratives to set up the feeling of freedom. But it doesn't do a good job of highlighting the main elements. For example, I started with a cursory attempt at freedom of thought in the dream world, where people can do whatever they want, and Freudian psychoanalysis, but there were too many metaphors to be clear in a minute.
I tried the healing style again, using flower petals to find little clouds and stars as they play and dance together, inspired by the wind.
But the camera moves without much soothing as the main characters are not prominent enough. And Jadd's feedback was that there was a lack of uniqueness. With aesthetics and uniqueness in mind I brainstormed again.

Considering the relaxing atmosphere and feeling, I brainstormed for the most relaxing elements: holiday, beach, meditation, yoga, festival.
After discussions with Matthew, I decided to work in this way to express the feeling of freedom and the uniqueness of the project.
A rollercoaster perspective with a sense of shuttle and immersion was chosen.
Scenes were considered such as.
Small boats float down the river and the vegetation along the river changes as the camera progresses.
Flower petals fall from the trees and float in the wind, visible from different perspectives from the grass to the sky.
Paper planes can fly very far, so to add variety to the scene and avoid monotony, I chose to have the plane go through a cave.
A leafy tree or a corner of a wall changes throughout the year.

About This Work

By Guo Bingqian
Email Guo Bingqian
Published On: 23/07/2021