Aim Understand and apply Norman Mclaren’s “palette” of movements then apply to sequence in Home.
1. Follow Nick’s Harmony tutorials
2. Ex. A) Use Harmony and Motion paths to demonstrate Mclaren’s chart.
3. Ex. B) use what learnt in A and apply to selected sequence/s of Home (Ascending Clouds and Iris Out on end frame)
2. Three different movements taking a solid circle from left to right from left to right, on a constant, an accelerating, a decelerating and an irregular trajectory.
3. Smoke puffs ascending. Requires more fine tuning.
Discussion Ex. A)
Once crashing and exporting issues resolved (white b/ground, ensure .wmv on file name) I discovered that the Separate motion path for this straight trajectory (A to B) works. Possibly the 3D path is better for arc/organic movement?
I still don’t understand how the keyframe placement on the path works but noticed that I could alter the speed by pushing them together or stretching them apart. I got no change in tempo if I placed the keyframes mathematically apart on the timeline.
1. Constant
Set up ellipse and moved it across 80f using the 3D path and default program setting.
2. Acceleration Not smooth but it does speed up. And the timeline looks the opposite to what I expected.
https://vimeo.com/447047808 Acceleration w Constant in background
3. Deceleration
5 Irregular https://vimeo.com/447061823
Where to from here?
I need a better understanding of the relationship between the visual path and the timeline with keyframes.
Discussion Ex. B)
1. Smoke Puff
Import from SBP was straight forward (File > EXPORT > TO HARMONY) and brought in any established timing by placing scenes as frames (each a separate layer) along the timeline. I have done a rough drawing of the house and objects and it looks possible to use the lines/textures that I printed and scanned in to PSD. Further testing needed.
To date, best results achieved by making ONE smoke on a Separate motion path, duplicating this layer and using the timing established from SBP import. Making separate smoke trajectories meant they all moved at different speeds – not right.
Where to from here?
1. The path is too straight/inorganic – may be better with a 3D path to be suggestive of a slight breeze.
2. I rotated the smoke puffs but the rotation is too quick and regular.
3. Nick has suggested the smoke grow more transparent as it drifts away
4. To add to effect of dispersal w opacity try expanding the cloud form.
NB. Smoke puffs with transparency and scale - much better! https://vimeo.com/447769502
What would you follow up, cease or improve upon.
Look at footage of smoke moving, both real and animated. And, “Don’t be shy of exaggeration because scale is so small, it is needed to better read the action”.
2. Iris Out proving too complex as need to understand Nodes and Cutter tool. STOP.
By Sarah Dunk
Email Sarah Dunk
Published On: 14/08/2020