Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


In week 10 I added a level select scene to my game, so in this week I tried to animate the other visual elements like the dialogue and the mark of the coming levels besides the in game mechanics. These elements have common points that their motion can be divided into several stages like show up, idle and hidden stage. So based on the specific element and the information it offered, the related motion stage will be highlighted with more motions. In terms of the dialogue frame I used pop up it and with a follow through, which gave a active and smooth feel of showing up. One thing I discarded is blend the motion of text and icon in the frame. If not, the text will be merely a animated component for players before it fully showed up and influence the in-game information delivery. So the final iteration the dialogue frame is simply animated in scale and the Y axis position attributes.

As for the triangle mark, I learned the morphing animation from dynamic icon and the weekly practices before. The showing up of it is started from a circle mask and then expanded into the triangle. And the movement of idle stage is also eased for creating the rythm.

About This Work

By Chengzan Dong
Email Chengzan Dong
Published On: 03/06/2021


IOL_S1_2021, IOL_Week11_S1_2021