To subvert the assumption of where some Go stones were thrown at a character and went through his hair. By subverting the idea, the Go stones could be sticking to the hair and dragging the character away from the camera, or Go tones get cut into pieces by the hair.
The subverted assumption is based on a practice from my IOL project. For the weekly practice I will be creating a different animation(context/ result) with the same layout, produced roughly in TV Paint.
I made this short animation of Go stones being thrown at the character and somehow dragging the character away.
By using smear frames at the start, I showed the fast speed the stones were traveling and how the main action happened in the first second. However, to enhance the rhythm and tempo in the storytelling of this shot, I could add more breakdowns to where the character was falling to the ground to create a slow settle down. Also some more unconscious movement of arms and legs would make the shot more interesting.