Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Week 1: Reflection

Week 2: Moodboard

Week 3: Animate An Adjective

Week 4: Sound Exercise

Week 5: Animated Machines

Week 6: Exquisite Corpse

Week 8: Metamorphosis

Week 9: Class progress on IOL project

Week 10: Stillness & Pause

Other activities I have been involved that might have contributed to the community of practice in this semester are: 

I participated on the VR Club. Sahaj and Amanda were conducting the club. Sahaj did a small presentation on the different types of VR. I learnt how to setup the equipments and got to play few games done by the Magi students. It was a really nice experience. I am thinking to make a VR game next semester.

I also attended the 2D Game session by Jadd. He taught us on how to make a simple 2D game called the Flappy Birds. The session was really good and it was very helpful for my studio 2 project. I engaged well with what he were teaching and I have used few game mechanics in my game such as making the main menu and game over button when it loses. This session really helped me to clear my doubts.

I attended many guest lectures that take place every tuesdays. I got to hear about many illustrator and animator artists who got the chance to work in the industries.

I also have been actively involved in the feedback and iterative processes of my peers during and after class.

Nominate a Community of Practice mark for yourself out of 15:

I would give myself a 12/15. I have done all the class tasks. But I do think that there is alot of improvement needed. These assignments helped me shape my IOL project and I was able to produce a good amount of work.

About This Work

By Taniya Ahuja
Email Taniya Ahuja
Published On: 03/06/2019