Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In this task, we were given a class task where we had to choose two opposites that exist in relation to our project. For this task, I chose Calm and Scared. I chose this because usually when we watch a horror movie, sometimes you don't expect to see the scary part just yet. Everything seems so calm around you but then all of a sudden something scares you.

In this task, I created a box going around all the corners in a slow speed. I imported a soft slow music so that the audiences stare at the box going around. As the audiences watch this piece, they wouldn’t expect anything and wonder if the video is on loop. But at the end I have placed a creature so that it would pop out in the middle of the screen and give them a jump scare.

This task really helped me to explore my ideas around. I would use this concept as part of my project because it seems so interesting. While I was doing this assignment, I got reminded of the movie Hereditary. The movie is where the family is haunted after the death of the grandmother. The movie starts off slow and calm. When I was watching the movie I was really confused whether this is a scary movie or not. Everything seems so calm and quiet in the beginning. The relationship between the little girl and the brother seem so cute and real. As I continued to watch the movie, It got so disturbing and scary each time.

About This Work

By Taniya Ahuja
Email Taniya Ahuja
Published On: 03/06/2019