Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
I designed my personal stylized website :
Let me elaborate on my plans for my personal website.
As soon as the user opens my page, there is a slow moving panorama of stars that dominates the screen and fades into a simplified and cartoonish font of my name.My aim was that this panoramic star map would explain the 3d stylized features well. Moreover, it can be read in a soothing way in way that attracts people to go down the page and keeps the user interested when viewing my interface. But it still needs tweaking and refinement. Perhaps some resolution could be increased in keeping with the non-realistic style.
After that would be the most appropriate one I could represent in 3D stylized artworks. To ensure that the user can be drawn in and swipe down.
This is an oil painting style motion picture rendered and then re-rendered through modelling. I was also able to create a sort of Chinese- style yellowish rice paper with a white space feel. And have them placed in close proximity to contrast the visual differences.
This is a recent c reation about Japanese gri l led food that I spec ified for the 3d s t y l ized art categor y. It seems to be open to further modification as it doesn't look tas t y enough. However, this shows ver y wel l the importance of materials in 3d stylized artworks.

About This Work

By Guo Bingqian
Email Guo Bingqian
Published On: 17/10/2022