wk3 found object
In response to the theme of a Found Object I chose a single spoke from my bicycle wheel and played with words around the purpose of spokes, the power of the spoke, the power of
bicycles and the power of one (spoke) around the world. I let the words and language guide me as well as the intrinsic nature and function of wheels spokes.
I scanned the spoke with an iPhone app that rendered the spoke completely invisible and looked at the serendipity of the alignment of the scan with a theme I am exploring in my
The scanned image reminded me of the covid virus so omnipresent in todays media. I therefore chose to combine bicycles, a spoke, language an covid into a poster to see if I could use
metaphors and playfulness to continue the battle against covid.
By following the happenstance and embracing it rather than correcting it I was taken on a path of a current broader context and arrived at the spoken word (pun intended albeit rather
kitsch) of Power of One. (spoke)
Similar work has been produced by Olek whose work may be found at Artsy.net with an an example of bicycle art that a political message. Olek is a Polish artist based in New York who
uses subversive knitting and crocheting to convey political messages overtly and subliminally.
By Cougar Wicce-Otter
Email Cougar Wicce-Otter
Published On: 28/03/2021