Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

ADP Week 1 ——Emotional transmission

Create by Bingqian Guo (s3622056)

Theme:Play and self


Emotions are very personal, but they are influenced by the external environment and they can also affect others. Therefore, I believe that research on emotions is in line with this week's theme of "Play and Self".This week I will try an experiment about how artworks tell the emotions of the work to the audience, and whether the audience can understand the work and empathize with the author when they watch it? Because the transmission of emotions happens every moment of every day, and more often than not we choose to hold back and digest the negative emotions ourselves, or avoid talking about them, leaving our friends and loved ones feeling confused and powerless. I will try to design a way to be able to perceive my own emotions well and transmit them to people around me in an appropriate way.


According to Ayelet Fishbach in "Emotional transfer in goal systems," "emotions associated with goal attainment may be transferred to means associated with the perception of these goal events, and factors that influence the transfer dimension Factors that influence the transfer dimension include the level of emotional engagement with the goal, the quality of the emotional engagement, and the strength of the association between the two." It is clear from this study that emotions are more easily transferred if they are expressed in a way that is acceptable to others. Therefore, appropriate emotional expressions are conducive to enhancing mutual understanding, while inappropriate emotional expressions, on the contrary, can cause misunderstandings. So, how can you communicate your emotions to others in an effective way? I am going to conduct a week-long study based on this question. I think this topic is meaningful and interesting. First of all, the most important thing to convey to the audience, whether it is a game or a movie or animation, is emotion, and emotion is expressed through the combination of emotions of a character in a work of art, so a reasonable expression of emotion is more likely to achieve the purpose and also avoid the audience's disgust. Secondly, this time, you can show the process of emotion transmission, which is not visible to the naked eye, through the way of design play, and it looks cool. Finally, the process of improving my experimental play in the process of research and iterative optimization can also allow me to keep improving, and what is more exciting than progress?


Based on the question raised earlier: How can I communicate my emotions to others in an effective way? I designed a realistic game and the experiment proceeded as follows.

This game requires 2 participants (Participant A, Participant B). Participant A watches the movie video and feels his emotions by heart and records them. After the movie, participant A tells participant B about his emotions by other means (no verbal communication is allowed, other options are drawing, music, dancing, etc.). Finally, the answers of participant A and participant B were compared to see if they matched and the results were recorded.

I took this week's test by choosing: Minions. This can be obtained by viewing the full experimental procedure.(I checked with participant A afterwards and he said that the animation was indeed very funny but at the beginning of the story it gave a backstory that I needed to actively adapt to and integrate into. He added: "The sounds and movements and consequences of Minions made me happy, but at the same time I needed to get used to the story.  So I went into the film puzzled and inquisitive, and mostly happy."It was closer to my participant B's (my mother's) interpretation of the painting.  Because my mother felt that the person who painted the painting was happy and yet possibly confused by something uncommon.)

I also created a short film for the exploration of emotional expression titled: My Multiple Personalities. This was inspired by the private nature of emotional expression.

I used Blender to bind the model and specify a simple rotating dance to express the idea that I am more real in the mirror than I am in reality.

Many virtual figures are reflected by the real me dancing in the mirror, but in a subtle way.

Because assuming that the mirror me is my second personality, it must be complementary to the first personality. So I made the opposite mirror rotation to implicitly reflect this point. It is also a first production attempt to make a better exploration and experiment for the animation of the studio2.


First of all, I think it is necessary to explain why I forbid the participants to communicate through words during the game. There are two reasons: 1. Since our game needs to get the data of the players during this game, it needs to be recorded in the form of video or photos, but this will undoubtedly increase the desire to be performed by the participants, and that the expressed emotions will be less genuine.

2. If language is really the best way to express emotions, then there will not be so many conflicts in the world caused by misunderstanding of language. The unconscious expression of emotion I think is a more realistic way.

Secondly, the paucity of experimental data needs to be explained.

It took a lot of time to choose an interesting research topic, and during this time I had thought about, for example, whether plants have emotions if they respond to the external environment? But while stimulating the plant in a way that might lead to the secretion of certain chemicals by the plant and the composition could be analyzed based on these chemicals, it did not prove the relationship between these components and emotions, so I gave up on this idea. I then made the transfer of human emotions the subject of this research. The game design was also adapted several times, for example, it was once considered that the participants could choose to have an accompanying emoticon card and have the participants perform the emoticon card expressions for another participant to see and subsequently guess. However, it was difficult to get the correct emotion because the performance situation was too unnatural in this way, so I improved the way of guiding emotions. Time was consumed in the process of improving again and again, and although I actually set aside a day to prepare for the street interviews and to invite passersby to play the game, I was forced to abandon it due to the extremely bad weather (storm) on the 27th. I will attach a video of the entire game process, but I am sorry there is no way to give a conclusion on the data, but if I have the opportunity I will refine the data and analyze it to come to a conclusion.


Video1: Experiment:apdweek1experiment0

Video2:My Multiple Personalities:My Multiple Personalities


Fishbach, A., Shah, J. and Kruglanski, A., 2021. Emotional transfer in goal systems. for expriement video


About This Work

By Guo Bingqian
Email Guo Bingqian
Published On: 27/07/2021