Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Week 10

Animated Narratives

This work examines the idea of Light. As light was the weekly theme, I worked on the medium to develop my own concept. This concept deals with two spirits which are symbolic of the light contained within our own self. This concept portrays that we depict what we carry within ourselves and that our world is affected by the light we project onto it.

I have worked on this concept by creating a mind map, a flowchart, bullet points and character design in order to make my concept clear to the audience. My work uses the medium of light to explore the concept as light is often thought to be a physical element that can only be seen and felt, but light can be projected too. This is what I thought when I went on to work with this concept. My work uses the capabilities of light to portray light as abstract than as a physical element.

I have also created character designs of the good and evil spirit in photoshop in order to illustrate and highlight my concept.

I had created early drafts for this project too before settling on to the final concept and they have been included in this post as a PDF document called “Early Draft”. I had to discard some of that work due to conceptual reasons. I wanted to build on a stronger and a better concept.

I have drawn my inspiration of this project from several works I have looked at and researched about. My inspiration of this project were:

1. The garden of death, a painting done in the year 1896 by Hugo Simberg where the artists expresses things happening in another world. The characters in the painting are not human at all and it looks very clear that this painting is not a scene from anywhere on the earth.

2. The wounded angel, a painting done in the year 1903 by the same artist, Hugo Simberg, where a wounded angel is being carried by two youthful children. This painting also has a unique concept as such a sight is not commonly seen anywhere.

This project has been a result of iterative loops of practice as I have been trying to refine my work on each stage of its delevlopment. I also researched a lot on related works available online by various artists to have some inspiration to create my own such as the paintings described by Hugo Simberg above. Feedback and reflection is also one of the most important key element in my project because I have been recieveing feedback from my mentors and peers regarding the work I do. The feedback I received has been benefitial as it helped me refine and improve my practice. I had created early drafts for this project, and as per feedback by my mentor, I was advised that conceal and reveal from my mind map is a good place to start with and that helped me and benefitted me because conceal and reveal is one thing associated most commonly with spirits and thus provided a strong foundation from my concept.


About This Work

By Samridhi Handa
Email Samridhi Handa
Published On: 25/05/2020