Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This work explores elements of dark comedy in unlikely situations. A carnival being a somewhat childish and innocent setting, but with an underbelly of uncertainty and creepiness.

By using the medium of animation, I feel this allows for great potential and experimentation in exaggerating facial expressions and lighting techniques to translate the main characters' slip into insanity.

This is similar to the work of Jhonen Vasquez, whose comics and animated series often place their characters in idyllic, childish settings before subverting expectations with violence and adult themes.

See examples “Everything can be beaten” a sardonic twist on the classic children's book genre. And Invader Zim - A short lived animated series on nickelodeon which gathered a cult fan base amongst older viewers.

YouTube. (2021). Everything Can Be Beaten. [Online Video]. 29 March 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 17 March 2021].

YouTube. (2019). Why You Still Remember Invader Zim So Well. [Online Video]. 27 November 2019. Available from: [Accessed: 17 March 2021].

After Reflecting on the group’s version of the story created in class, I decided to add more tension to the build up of the narrative. I wanted the reader to feel an almost ridiculous amount of build up on the part of the main character and his growing hunger, along with his frustration with the people around him.

These elements are really taken from the horror genre, as good anticipation and timing can often be the difference between a cheap scare and something truly disturbing. 


About This Work

By James Elms
Email James Elms
Published On: 23/03/2021








#Animated Narratives Week 3