Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week’s topic is story telling in both linear and interactive forms. A mind map for linear story idea is developed.

This work explored the as many aspects as an animation could have. I tried to use those to provide potential plots and characters for a linear story.

Similar method is also introduced in “How Do You Actually Edit an Animated Film?”, they put all potential plots and frames on a board and try to make a good story. In my mind map, I tried to brainstorm all potential happened plots.

However, the drawback is without a concept of what the story is going to be, the mind map becomes mass. Some plots are not quite related. Probably next time I should start with a decided end.

About This Work

By Xipeng Niu (Xavier)
Email Xipeng Niu (Xavier)
Published On: 15/04/2021