Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

AGI Studio 1_Folio 2 Plan


  Name: Bingqian Guo

                                       ID:   s3622056

  1. Rational: intention

Why do it: To bring about a change in the attitudes of people who are resistant to animation and make them realize that animation can also be a medium for communication and learning.

What to do: I will continue the assets of folio1 by integrating news into animation with rich plot metaphors and ironies about human waste and pollution of the environment. The focus this time should be: the conveyance of the artistic conception of the picture or story.

  1. Context: field

In the early stages of development, I studied.

Tao Yuanming's "The Peach Blossom Garden" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen.

These two poems and stories depict the harshness of reality and the beauty of an ideal life, and gave me the inspiration to improve the direction of the story.

Zhang Zeduan's Qingming Shanghe Tu of the Northern Song Dynasty gave me tips on composition techniques: the difference in the demeanor and movements of the pedestrians on the road, the expression of economic and trade activities, the combination of dense and blank spaces, the

It Takes Two is an action-adventure platform game developed by Fog Studio and published by American Art & Electric under the name EA Originals. One part of this game is in a cave, and the murals in the cave express the stories recorded down by the ancestors of the squirrels, giving me inspiration about the way to cross.

  1. Method

I will pick the scene that best fits my story situation and picture expression through different compositions and renderings.

Will outline the psychological dynamics of the characters by experimenting with different camera angles.

Research and experiment with various color coordination and visual effect expressions. For example

Mapping textures

Render node adjustment

Different styles of scene construction

Enriching the cultural connotation of the scenes

Make the visual effects match the current scenario properly

Try to input the audio track, adjust and debug it to fit the story process, to help the audience understand the story and enrich the experience.

  1. production: tools

Software: Blender, AE, Maya, Zbrush

I will be using Maya and Zbrush to consistently make some models from the story to help the scenes and timeline to be able to express the effects more fully.

Rendering will be done with Blender.

About binding may experiment with the respective effects of Maya and Blender, choose the expression action appropriate and natural for the next step.

AE is used to add soundtracks, sound effects and sounds.

If the above software can be successfully learned, I will continue to improve the picture expression and the storytelling situation of the scene. Because my primary goal is to be able to make my animation to be able to imply the main idea: to protect the environment, and to use the whole animation as a clue.

  1. Outcome

Minor goals will be :

Refine penguin action binding

Texture selection for scene rendering, node adjustment

Importing sounds, sound effects, soundtracks

Make each scene link up well

Explain the story line and development

Allow the audience to understand my plot development and main idea

The big goal will be:

By improving the animation step by step, I can really convey the news in the animation, but in a way that is not boring and thought-provoking.


About This Work

By Guo Bingqian
Email Guo Bingqian
Published On: 19/04/2021