Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

APD Week 3--Swallow Ball Battle

Create by Bingqian Guo (s3622056)

Theme : Play and object


In the Principles of Legal Philosophy, there is a passage that says "What is reasonable is real; that which is real is reasonable". It is the collision and reaction of elements with elements that produce these values. The theme of this week's class is "Play and object". I thought it would be fun to design a game based on a scientific theory. So this week will be divided into three parts: researching and selecting a scientific theory, conducting a pioneering experiment, and brainstorming and designing a game based on the experiment for practice.


From Newton's three laws to Einstein's general theory of relativity, countless natural phenomena in the world have been discovered and applied to life by clever human beings. Nowadays, game design is also full of psychology-related theories, while there seems to be very little use of other related scientific theories in games. This makes me feel very sorry, especially the use of physics in game play is very little, except for the gravity-sensitive control games, there is no game based on physics. This week's theme is "Play and object", so I will set my goal to make a game built on physics theory. Since I learned about a physics phenomenon called the Marangoni effect when doing the time travel theme last week, and considering that his effect can produce some unexpected effects (water flowing backwards), I think it would be interesting to build a game based on this effect.


After selecting the experimental theory for the Marangoni effect, it is first necessary to prove its properties, so a pioneer experiment needs to be conducted in the following manner.

1. prepare a piece of tofu / a glass of milk

2. put 1. into a basin

3. put drops of food coloring of different colors on its surface to observe the phenomenon

4. put a drop of detergent in the middle of the food coloring and observe the phenomenon

The experimental video will be uploaded, after this experiment, it can be found that when there is a surface tension gradient at the interface of two liquids with different surface tensions, it will make the phenomenon of mass transfer. This phenomenon of mass transfer is more inclined to tension, and I will also brainstorm based on this tension. (pull - pull - grasp - contain - engulf - cell) Of course before designing the game I need to understand one thing: how to change the surface tension of the liquid? What are the factors that influence the surface tension of a liquid? A popular science paper by French scientist Bruno Andreotti (Marchand A, Weijs J H, Snoeijer J H, et al. Why is surface tension a force parallel to the interface?[J]. (American Journal of Physics, 2011, 79(10): 999-1008.) The microscopic origin of surface tension is molecular interactions and thermal effects, which can be understood macroscopically as "force acting along an interface" or "energy per unit surface". energy". The surface tension of inorganic liquids is much higher than that of organic liquids, where the surface tension of organic liquids containing nitrogen, oxygen and other elements is higher, and the surface tension of liquids containing iron and silicon elements is the lowest. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the tension of liquids decreases when the temperature increases.

Based on the above investigation and the pioneer experiments and brainstorming, the first two steps of this week's planning have been completed. Now the design game begins.

Different colors of food coloring are placed on a slide, heated slightly with a flame and then left to room temperature.

The player chooses the different colors of food coloring to use and places them on the same platform for control (fanning).

When the two are close together they may merge or repel each other.

The color that is subsumed among them will be eliminated.

The last surviving color wins.

After the actual operation we found that: the selection of colors directly determines the final victory. There is no interactivity in the game, so the following changes were made to the game.

Players need to draw graphics on aluminum foil with a whiteboard pen

Put the foil into the water

The player who makes the figure out of the aluminum foil and into the water through proper operation wins (if there are more than one player who makes the figure into the water, the one with the larger figure area wins)


1. the gameplay was actually improved, in the first version of the program was not designed to heat the organic coloring, but also so the food coloring became extremely difficult to control. It was difficult to achieve the designed level of play, so after thinking and trying many times, we decided to adopt the scheme of heating first to make the food coloring slightly solidified, and then let it cool. The reason for letting it cool is to remove the tension difference caused by slightly different heating time, which affects the fairness of the game.

2. because there is no slide, there is no way to test the playability of the game for the time being, but the video of the whole process of multiplayer will be added later

3. for the game site needs to be improved, because the way of control for the way of blowing, but the process of liquid surface is also easy to subvert the food coloring, the game also needs more improvement iterations.


Hegel, G., 2021. Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right. [online] Google Books. Available at: <> [Accessed 7 August 2021].

Marchand, A., Weijs, J., Snoeijer, J. and Andreotti, B., 2011. Why is surface tension a force parallel to the interface?. American Journal of Physics, 79(10), pp.999-1008.

About This Work

By Guo Bingqian
Email Guo Bingqian
Published On: 10/08/2021