Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

After days of happy? frustration , and understanding webvr api codes and javascripting. I was able to code and get the camera dynamic (targeted camera) to work in Webvr api. Major part was combining gyro headmovement from vr headset to rotation /position of camera. The Pc also needs a restart after every test, which I realised somehow, to override the previous build settings or it just doesn't work. Yes- I tried clearing cookies and temp. Just small things like this eat up a lot time!

Tested in Vive, its working // with mozilla browser .
Testing with Oculus Go: I tried to put it through Oculus Go, but since it's a standalone , i guess it needs to be on a proper web server to access it, which is not time friendly when still in development. 

Graphic tests: 
generating stuff with raytracing,loads of reflections and more - which takes good enough of time to render,now working with Unity which needs to render graphics in realtime , to achieve the the quality I have in mind is not as straight forward as thought to be. Along the lines of research to improve graphics in Unity these are the terms I looked into: 
Post Processing - Effects rack by Unity.
Screen Space Reflection (Part of Post Processing)
HDRP - High Defination Render Pipeline
The Lightweight Render Pipeline

testing rendering, post processing unity from Sahaj Garg on Vimeo.

Reflections and refractions take a lot of time to render, and knowing the usual workaround of similar shaders in 3D softwares like maya,c4d, getting them up in an engine like unity might require a total different approach in achieving the results,

Other Approach: What if every frame from every angle is prerendered, and then they are called depending on position of camera.?!~!

for next weeks I'm looking at achieving the graphic quality best to close to the board. and their integration to webvr as a webpage. I'm keeping an option to render it out as an app open if webvr is not able to handle it.


resource links:
Coding Glass Shader :
Reflection Shader : Bubbles
Marble :

About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 16/09/2018