Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week's studio progress is the finalising of the animation and the beginning of creating visual effects to the animation.

Over the past few weeks, I have been experimenting with 3D Modelling. This week, I'm using all the knowledge I have to create visual effects for the animation. The visual effects I created is not final as I will still keep experimenting and finalising until it is actually perfect.

This progress shows that I experimented with particle effects to create a "Spark Effect". My intention is to create some kind of a spark effect similar to when you grind metal with a saw machine. This effect will be used when Samurai is trying to penetrate Wizard's Shield.

Aside from the spark effect, I also took the liberty to create Wizard's shield too. By creating a mesh and the "Build" Modifier from Blender, I can create an animation where Wizard casts their shield prior to being hit by Samurai.

The next few weeks will be the cleaning up of these effects and I wanted to experiment with Fluid physics.

Below are the BTS of how I created each effect with explanations:

Spark Effect:

Force Shield:

About This Work

By Alvin Khoe
Email Alvin Khoe
Published On: 10/05/2020


AGI Studio 1, Studio Progress, Week 9