Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Characters, Place and Events

Context: Bringing my idea from Animated Narratives in yesterday's class after our recommended reading (Field, Syd. Screenplay: The Foundations Of Screenwriting. New York, N.Y. : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 2005. Print. Pp 22-55) I thought a lot about character and started researching the Inuit pepole and how the environment and folklore would impact and shape my main character (Yuka, a child).

Method: I created a short animation in After Affects (my first attempt at this program) of twirling Aurora Borealis and stars twinkling. I tried watching many tutorials but in the end they were way too involved for me as a beginner ( and I worked out something simple by myself, the stars with aid of this video;

Response: I really wanted to try a new program and I'm ok with this attempt especially as it was my first time. My thought was that my main character took to heart tales of the aurora and is searching for their lost parent, wanting to know if their parent had made it to the land of the dead. I wanted to fit in more such as a small child on the banks but unfortunately ran out of time.

About This Work

By Yves Scollo
Email Yves Scollo
Published On: 17/04/2019