Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Make an environment that puts users in an alien place that they do not understand to create feelings such as stress, confusion, isolation and fear

I have taken a new path and am focusing my experience on creating emotions within the user, rather than showcasing mental health/chronic pain.

As a result I am focusing on feelings of isolation, anxiety and stress to create an uncomfortable 3D VR experience. I am using these emotions as they are ones that I have experienced as a result of suffering from chronic pain, and I want to explore how a 3D virtual environment can create these feelings within a user. 


  • Don’t talk about making user feel what it’s like to be in pain
  • My experience needs to be motivated and justified through the use of anxiety and isolation 
  • Only discuss what users will see and experience when in the game
  • The feelings created by this changing alien landscape relate to chronic pain without having to mention it
  • I am creating a seemingly normal nonchalant scene that takes users by surprise with the sudden changes
  • Exploring how a changing environment puts users in a state of fear and confusion and ultimately isolates them from reality
  • Exploring emotions and how I can manipulate them using a virtual reality environment
  • Sound to sprinkle on top later in my project

What I Need to Do:

  • Work backwards
  • Create the final completely distorted environment so I can test if my idea will work
  • Push the limits of distortion, take my simple town environment and completely distort it to isolate and make users feel uncomfortable
  • Use lighting
  • Make buildings that hide the sky from the user and cast sharp shadows onto the ground to isolate them
  • E.g. Bent buildings act as a representation of pain, buildings become teeth that close in on the user
  • Mesh with deformations in Maya and Zbrush


  • Dark City (1998)
  • Doctor Calingari
  • Doctor Strange
  • Inception

About This Work

By Rachel Nixon
Email Rachel Nixon
Published On: 14/05/2018