Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This quick ideation prototype was done during a VRTOV Workshop. 

Idea Mechanics>
the top Bar is game bar and you need to balance it in middle>> the extreme right side is too much eye contact with one part of audience, and left being  too little. 
(probably through eye tracking of htc vive pro> or headset location)

As the bar approaches extreme sides , your shakiness of hands gets worse, and vision blurry. The audience also distorts, (the idea is audience is reflection of your own fears and anxiety).

At the end you may also switch the camera to audience view and view a recording of yourself, to see how you did. 

- Can be used to train or simulate a public speaking environment. 
- The shaky controller as shown can be used to generate a sense of empathy from perception of someone suffering from Parkinson disease.

Writer - Helen Kwok 
Art Direction - Matthew Buccheri 
Engineerin/Tech - Sahaj Garg.

Thanks to Oscar Raby for this workshop,we learnt a good amount of stuff, it gave a good approach on how to think about experiences and prototyping ~ and to MAGI providing with this awesomness!

About This Work

By Sahaj Garg
Email Sahaj Garg
Published On: 07/08/2019