Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week while I was still working on my game design document (GDD), I tried to explore something in Unreal engine.

The first thing is I tried is to create a project of third person camera with a character that can move around the world completely with C++. The purpose is to 1) get familiar with the basic C++ syntax of using Unreal engine’s base class in Visual Studio; 2) get a feeling of and explore Unreal’s third person view setup which I would be using for my game.

After following through the Unreal engine documentation, I was able to create the view and played/tested a bit around it. The camera is controlled through player's mouse pan and the player can zoom in the camera using right mouse click, move around using WASD or sprint by pressing R. Here is my test video:

Meanwhile I played with Unreal’s particle systems just to get familiar with them. I had some experience with Unity’s particle system but this is my first time to do so in Unreal engine. Unreal has 2 particle system tools that can be used to create a particle system – Cascade and Niagara. Cascade is the traditional particle system used in Unreal, Niagara is a more advanced particle system tool that allows more controls for artists to play with. I played with both and created/modified some particles on my own:

I didn’t have a great feeling of writing and designing game stories or class/skill details in GDD this week. I had some rough thoughts and planning and I wrote them down, but they still need a lot of refinement so that would be my focus for next week.

About This Work

By Bruce Hu
Email Bruce Hu
Published On: 16/08/2020