I did some rough storyboard for the whole animation (semi-finished tho)
animation will be divided into :
1. original story from the book ( mostly shown in illustration with text below)
2. hand pick the bear back to page 1 and restart, small things changes.( help tp chop wood, get toy as reward, try approach the twins with his toy)
3. twins runs away, their toys falls down. hand gives the bear tools to fix it, pick him to the twins, approach with friendly smile + their fixed toys, twins stare at him but dont move forward(still a bit scared a confused?)
4. (zoom in of bear expression changing ) smile- abit embrassed- sad- leave and sit next to the wood again. hand keep poking bear but has no respond. suddenly someone pat his shoulder, turn around and finds twins smiling at him with toys. -end(?)-
after discussing with Christ I have more ideas on it, so the 3rd and 4th part is different from the rough storyboard that I uploaded. gonna redraw them.
also will walk around in bookshop this weekend, just wanna have a look of the kids story book to see how they present a story well.
By Qitong Chen
Email Qitong Chen
Published On: 21/03/2018