Flow chart of a match 3 game with battle system
The battle system is the core interactive system in this match 3 game and it makes it different with orginal match 3 game.
1.At the start of each round start, boss will randomly pick a skill from his skill pool.
Every skill has a wating time for example if boss decided to use sweep, he will attack after 5 turns.
2.After boss picked skill, the data(attack and defense) of this skill will be updated to battle bar.
Battle bar is using to work out the battle result.
3.System will check whether the skill shoule be casted by checking the waiting time.
3.1 if the waiting time >0, player will start his turn.
3.1.1 Player can swap 2 close icons as a move.
3.1.2 Each move is vaild as long as 2 icons are next to each other. No matter whether there's 3 icons in line.
3.1.3 After player made a move, skill waiting time will reduced by 1
3.1.4 System will check whether there's 3+ icons matching.
3.1.5 If there's no icon mathcing, process will back to 3
3.1.6 If there's icon mathcing, system will remove those icon
3.1.7 System will calculate the result for this remove.
if there's 3+ hearts be removed, player will gain same health.
if there's 3+ energy be removed, player will gain same energy.
if there's 3+ sword/shield be removed, the same count of sword/shield will be added to its column of battle bar. (If player removed 3 sword in column 5, then player will gain 3 atk in column 5 and if player removed 3 sword in column 1,2 and 3, then player will gain 1 atk in column 1,2 and 3)
3.1.8 System will generate new icons.
3.1.9 Back to step 2 and update player's battle data.
3.2 if the waiting time <= 0, system will start to work out the battle result.
3.2.1 System will calculate the damage for player and boss.
System will calculate column by column, so if boss has 5 attack and 0 defense in each column and player has 2 attack in column 1, 5 defense in column 2.
After calculation, boss will get 2 damages and player will get 20 damages from column 1,3,4 and 5.
3.2.2 A round ends, back to 1
By Sdust
Email Sdust
Published On: 12/03/2020