Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Exploring UX and story design concepts. After watching a playthrough of What Remains of Edith Finch as a reference for interactive storytelling design (recommended by Carlo Tolentino), I pondered its story design.

After this, and I'm not exactly sure what brought me here, but the idea of concentric circles came to mind and I sat down and sketched out how one might design a story using a concentric circle.

This is what I came up with in relation to my Studio 3 narrative. This version of the concept/design explores what the same story is like when told from different relaities or perspectives. It groups certain clusters of story fragments together in a layer and other clusters in other layers. Each fragment per cluster can be unvileved by the player in any order, but a fragment from another cluster or layer cannot be unvieled outside of its native layer/cluster.

About This Work

By Rachael Thompson
Email Rachael Thompson
Published On: 05/03/2022