Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Goal - His goal is to find his brother or find out what happened to him.

Obstacles - He doesn't know what happened to his brother. He'll have to search to find it. The biggest obstacle in front of him is not being able to reach him and learning what happened to him from what he found behind.

Response to obatacles - He will continue to research non-stop. He'll find what's left of his brother and find out what happened to him.

Resolution - He will find out what happened to his brother. and perhaps these events will open the door to another mystery.

We form a group with 2 other people after the class. And i became the 3D artist of the group. So I didn't dwell too much on it.

About This Work

By Cantug Sahiner James
Email Cantug Sahiner James
Published On: 19/03/2023