Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Stillness and subtle movement

1. Character fishing head pop out

2. shaving hairy legs but it keeps re-appearing

3. Character sleeping on keyboard, each time the character breathes out the character presses the keyboard and it types random letters

4. Character poking nose one side poke looks to his right throw and pause, pokes left nose looks to his right throws and cam shows boogers

5.Character eating burger, brings it closer to mouth and half of the stuff fall down

6.Character standing in beautiful view, windy, wig falls

7. Character sitting on couch smoking, bubbles come out

Animatics 1: 

Animatics 2:

Animatics 3:

Animatics 4:

About This Work

By Taniya Ahuja
Email Taniya Ahuja
Published On: 14/08/2019