Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Game idea 2

This is another game idea I had after receiving some feedback in week 3 as well as some adjustments on my initial project intention. Rather than start a game from a very broad concept like in the previous idea, I decide to start from a specific game content that can be a feature of the game and this would be a simple open group event the player can interact with like in MMORPGs. This would assume there is already a game world existed and this content is built upon it. This idea will still use the theme of Zodiacs and based on our transcended human character Hera but will have more emphases on the enemy side, e.g. the enemies’ mechanics inform Hera (player)’s gameplay. Also, this idea is scaled down for a simple start, but if time is allowed I will extend this design in the later stage of my development.


Game mechanics - Layer 1

After the extinction of human many have their souls lingering in the world as the dark stone covers the Earth’s surface wit its dark energy – those souls can not escape from the dangerous power to the Haven. Hera can help these lost souls find their way to the gods in Haven.


A lost soul is an interactive trigger in the open world (of the game) that players can interact to start an event to release the soul. The soul a NPC that the player will defend during the event, as it starts the process of returning it becomes brighter and attracts the minions of the dark stone around.



The soul itself

The entire event has a charge-up bar, if charges to 100% and all stages are finished the event is completed, if the soul is attacked by minions the charge is paused/reduced.

The returning process has x stages, one stage must be completed to go to the next. Each stage has its own win condition/goal.

The soul itself possess a Zodiac sign, each Zodiac sign means different global mechanics for that event, so there can be 12 different type of this event.


Rough ideas about mechanics:

If the soul has Capricorn sign, the event will have mechanics that linked to chronology and pain, such as an area if players stand in, they will get increase cast speed and reduced cool down reduction while taking damage over time. or, of enemies stand in, they will have slowed action speed but increased health regeneration rate.


And in each stage mechanics can be design around this global mechanics. Such as if the soul does not take damage for some time, it will give players a temporary skill that reduce the enemies’ health gained for x seconds.


Enemy waves:

Dark portals are spawning around and summons minions to disrupt the process, they must be dealt with.


More mechanics will be added in in the next week…

About This Work

By Bruce Hu
Email Bruce Hu
Published On: 27/03/2021