Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Using the following format, we have been asked to create a question to help inform our inquiry for our Studio 2 projects.

1. I am making______________

2. Because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/why/how______________

3. In order to help my community of practice and field understand______________

How can a 3D virtual reality space elicit feelings of isolation and depression within users

1. I am making an experiential virtual reality project, in which the user navigates a seemingly nonchalant home interior, that distorts itself to evoke feelings of depression and isolation 

2. Because I want to find out  how 3D graphics can be used in a virtual reality space to evoke emotions within a user

3. In order to help my community of practice and field understand the ways in which virtual reality can assist in helping users gain an insight into what it is like to suffer from depression/mental health 

About This Work

By Rachel Nixon
Email Rachel Nixon
Published On: 06/08/2018






minor work


Studio 2