Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The video is a screen capture of Emmett Redding's 'masterclass' on shadows in AE.

Thanks Emmett for the masterclass on shadows in AE!

Thanks Ben for your explanations and Helen for your suggestions.

I now know what method I'm going to use to create moving shadows in my VR experience of Little Red Riding Hood.

This would have taken a couple of days for me to figure out all my my own, so a BIG thanks for the support!

The 'masterclass'...

So I asked Emmett if he knew the best way to create a moving shadow in a 3D (technically 2.5D) AE composition.

At first we discussed using a mask to create a shadow (which we would then animate), but eventually - given all the objects in my VR environment (multiple trees etc), we figured out that the better way might be to create an object (the wolf), make it invisible, create a light source behind the camera and then make sure shadows are turned on on the light, the object and also the backgrounds/any objects in the environment. We can then animate either the light or the invisible object to create the shadow and get the effect I was after - seeing moving shadows of the wolf, without seeing the wolf itself.

About This Work

By Rachael Thompson
Email Rachael Thompson
Published On: 06/05/2019




animation, spatial




AE, AGI Studio 1, Emmett, shadows