Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Work 1: Fallout 3

An action-adventure role-playing game which takes place in the year 2077, in a post-apocalyptic post-nuclear wasteland. The game's setting is in the ruins and countryside of Washington D.C., and shows the devastating effects of nuclear fallout on the environment and living creatures, who have either been killed or mutated beyond recognition due to nuclear fallout. Fallout 3 (and its predecessors) is one of the quintessential "post-apocalyptic" games, popularising a great deal of genre tropes (zombies, radiation, character customisatoin, character levels and role-playing, guns), aesthetics (bleak, ruined environments), and game design. 

Article displaying "memorable locations" of Fallout:

Work 2: Stranger Things

A popular television series which follows a cast of young teenagers as they investigate the disappearance of their friend. The show bridges science fiction and lovecraftian horror, and explores a parallel universe called "The Upside Down", which is able to effect and wreak havoc upon the real world. This "upside-down" world appears to occupy the same physical space as the normal world, but appears warped, dark, and filled with monsters.

Wiki discussing and displaying images of The Upside Down:

About This Work

By Natasha Vranic-Peters
Email Natasha Vranic-Peters
Published On: 26/04/2020