Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
1 RATIONALE: Intention
What concepts are you examining in your folio work? What do you want your Studio project to do?  
Within this studio I have decided to craft a series of short animated loops. During the production phase of folio one a consistent theme emerge, where by which the earth was used as an object to drive the narratives in thees loops. I have enjoyed using this theme to help direct design decisions and plan on continuing this aspect so that the loops will have a connecting element to group them as a larger whole. The ability to use these series of animations to make a larger statement about how we as race interact with out environment is a strong motivator to progress and continued theme across each individual piece. As an adjusted framework for the final studio outcome I plan on creating 4 main/polished animated loops as well as various animation tests as a natural concurrence of the integration process. This goal is extrapolated from what I was able to achieve within folio one where the value on spending more time for refinement and iteration became quickly apparent.  
2 CONTEXT : Field 
What field/s does you're your work sit within?
I believe this projects sits well within the fields of 3D animation and motion graphics. A significant influences for the undertaking of this project was to expand upon my knowledge and skills within the 3D production pipe line, this then plays a major part within the decision making proces for the method of create for each loop. Ideally resulting in a series of animations that highlight different and specific key aspects of a professional production pipeline. 
3D Animated loops : Who are the outstanding practitioners/researchers/critics within this field/s?
These forms of renders translate well to sharing within digital platforms, such as Instagram or online portfolio sites like Artstation. I am taking inspiration for this style of animation from artist like Lucas zanotto and james johnsta who capitalize on this technique to showcase their work. James focuses on a stylized approach to his 3D characters, which not only simplify the forms but allow him juxtapose characteristics in a cereal manor , in turn further aiding the expression of narrative. Where Lucas utilizes clean simple forms with anthropocentric qualities to express a range of emotions in objects that would otherwise have none. Both of these artist rely on quite a clean and stylized theme to their visual expression. In other words I aim to present my final outcome in a manor that reflects a level of competency within 3D animation when applying for junior roles with studios. 
3 METHOD: Conceptual, Technical, Craft & Management
How will the work you do in the studio support your intention?
Studio time will be largely utilized for feedback and suggestion from both the class as well as Max and Yuen within in our weekly consultations. I Believe that the platform of sharing work in progress within the class has already helped to shape and refine my project outcomes and will continue to do so throughout the semester. A major change within the production method for folio 2 in regards to progress structure, will be to allocate more time to experimentation and iteration. This is because i found this process to be extremely valuable and rewarding, to achieve this i have reduced the quantity of animations within the project to allow for more time spent within these areas. As a result of this to accompany the final submission of 4 separate but related polished animation loops i will also have a range of animated iterations and concepts to demonstrate a continual experimentation and refinement process. 
4 PRODUCTION: Tools & Plan
How will you make this work, what is your process, when will you do what?.
The intended programs I will use to accomplish this project are listed below and ordered from most to least essential: 
  • Blender 
  • substance painter 
  • premier Pro
  • Photoshop
However a major change or development within these production tools is the utilizing of technical tutorials on youtube. This became quickly apparent during folio 1 as an important if not essential progress to achieving this project. I will continue to use this platfrom as an essential step within the production as a means of pushing the limitations to what i can technically archive. Another major alteration made within the production schedule for folio 2 is to finish final renders the weekend before final submission(week 12), This is a precaution for unexpected render times. unfortunately I was unable to submit a complete render for my second animation loop due to excessive render times, however I continued to refine this animation and now have a far better result then what would have been submitted. None the less this would be a very serious problem within the final submission if appropriate time was not allocated.   
week 7
  • Folio 1 submission 
  • final tweaks and rendering firs 2 loops 
  • technical research into next animation process 
    (animated object based weight painting) 
week 8
  • Folio 2 Plan established
  • Final renders for first 2 Loops 
  • concept sketches for next animation loops 
  • proof of concept animation
week 9
animate 3rd loop
experiment then refine materials and lighting 
Play with camera angles and animating camera paths 
initial render 
week 10
retopologise character 
weight paint 
animation and expression tests 
week 11
animate loop 
finalize environment 
composition and lighting 
initial render
week 12
continue to tweak and re render animated loops 
experiment with render settings
refine and polish final renders 
create video documentation of project productiot
week 13
  • collate wip images 
  • collate wip animations 
  • compile full production progress renders 
  • compile folio 2 documentation
  • submit

About This Work

By Justin Jattke
Email Justin Jattke
Published On: 14/09/2020