Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

After exploring different scenarios and receiving different feedbacks, in this story I have taken a bit of all the previous stories and mixed them.

Initially, you can see how the flower grows happily in its habitat. The tree represents the habitat of the flower, but when the man arrives, the environment begins to deteriorate slowly. We can see the polluted air and then nature dying.

Then there is a zoom out where we realize that everything that we were seeing was inside the cube of the extinct flower.

Then we see how different flowers are in a museum that a person is visiting, and when he leaves this place, it is shown in a city so contaminated that it is a requirement to wear face masks.

About This Work

By Valeria Wolff
Email Valeria Wolff
Published On: 08/04/2019




AGI Studio 1