Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity



-We observe through our senses, with varied sensory inputs. Our senses can even make conflicting observations (eg. visual/audio)
-Sound is powerful for transporting you to different places, and through memories and feelings, even when paired with simple visuals (Lisbeth Svarling, Cloud Cover) 
-Unexpected sounds can be playful eg. pulling out draws to make sounds (Maize Wallin)

-Experience different parts of the university through sound, and record them
-Concentrate on sounds that have been heard by many people (just as the piano has been played by many people)

-Combine video of me playing notes on the worn piano with different sounds recorded around the university.

(Photos of the actual piano also attached.)

This piano struck me as old and worn and beautiful. It has felt many different hands, played many different songs, met many different people. It had been marked with scratches, messages, names. Like the university itself. As I sat observing it, I began to wonder what different notes of the university would be; sounds we might have all heard and experienced. 

(recorded sounds are: 1) footsteps up a flight of stairs, 2) chatter between lots of students, 3) construction and industrial noise, 4) pedestrian crossing dings, 5) distant music from a sound system, 6) typing on a keyboard, 7) student [me] buying a coffee)


About This Work

By Natasha Vranic-Peters
Email Natasha Vranic-Peters
Published On: 24/07/2019


#cps week 1, CPS