Created using the resource Pablo showed us last week called Thisissand:
Some interesting points of reflection:
- The reason why I wanted to play around with this tool was because the patterns on the site reminded me of weaving / textile patterns, which is related to my Playable City Brunswick project - Heartree
- The tool is available as a browser web app and on mobile - I found the experience doing these sketches much more satisfying on my iPad
- I found the overall creation process very therapeutic - it takes a long time to build a piece using grains of "sand"
- I opted with the random colour selection for all the pieces, as I wanted to focus on the sketching of each piece rather than colour selection
- There's something quite scary and liberating about not having an undo option. If my finger is too slow or fast, sand may appear in places that I didn't intend to... but that's when happy accidents happen, and for me it's learning to embrace those imperfections (which actually makes the piece more organic and unique)
- The texture of the sand and the way the colours blend reminds me of watercolour on paper