Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I wanted to research information design in visionary art, with a particular focus on the little-studied artist Paul Laffoley. 

After creating some hand-drawn mind maps, I was asked to pare down my research direction into a clear form by creating a diagram of my research direction in Laffoley's style. This is the image attached.

An important aspect that I failed to express in my initial discussions was my feeling that this unique way of displaying information has potential applications in interaction and interface design. 

This image is only an early draft of my research direction. It may be better to switch articles 2 and 3, so that the order is:

1. Analyze how this style is used to express and order information.

2. Challenge the assumption that ordered and taxonomical systems are the best way of talking about reality. Examples can be drawn from chaos theory, which shows how not all behaviours are predictable in a deterministic fashion (i.e. in weather systems, planetary orbits). 

3. Suggest possible applications that Laffoley's ideas have in terms of interaction design. Use a synthesis of Laffoley's ordered systems and the chaotic, unpredictable systems that determine much of reality to find common ground. Again, the final goal is to propose new applications in information design and interactive design.

About This Work

By Orlando Mee
Email Orlando Mee
Published On: 26/07/2018




illustration, written


major work


Research Design, research, Research Methods, diagrams