Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The current keywords I’ve gathered for my project are Principles of Animation, Squash and Stretch, Timing, Anticipation, Exaggeration, Illusion of Life, and Staging.
Here are some literature examples I’ve gathered with the help of the keywords

Looking into the 3 literature I had selected, I’ve noticed the Principles of Animation contain a lot more intricacies that go very deep into the fundamentals to ensure the quality of the work accurately represents the envisioned idea you had in mind. Meticulous planning is also present so that your product is watchable and meets the industry’s expectation. However, despite the discipline requiring rules you need to abide by, it can be very malleable and the way you approach or handle certain aspects can be totally different. This is what gives each animator or companies from different cultural background a unique flair that clearly showcases their prowess but also offer a new form of presentation that could influence the next decade of creation.

Some preliminary research questions I’ve created under the purview of the reflection are:
How do animators approach the Principles of Animation to create their own unique representation of reality?
How does Timing and Staging affect the characterization of the movement?
How can animators study the movement and physics of the world and implement it to their animation to engender the proper response?

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 29/07/2018


background, context




major work, prototype


Research, Research Methods, Week 2, RMW02