Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Pokemon Go

  • Pokemon Go was a game developed by Niantic that uses AR technology as a part of its game mechanic. It probably was the most successful AR app on the market at the time of its release in 2016. Around this year the rise of VR and AR were slowly taking off and its quite interesting how companies have invested on such a market. AR/VR are two methods that would significantly boost game interaction and take video games to a different level. Pokemon Go takes the user to be in a world where they are familiar with to which the app gains access to your phone camera and show you a hidden world that awaits you. Players are engaged with the real world while playing the game through the camera for them to see game creatures living among us. Looking into this game as an inspiration on how I can get the user to engage through AR/VR.

Monument Valley

  • A beautiful game that uses a single perspective camera that also uses optical illusion as a part of their puzzle solving mechanic. This game designed by Ken Wong and David Huerta which have designed a simple yet very complex puzzle game using simple geometry. This game could be taken in a context where AR / VR can also be an optical illusion that plays with the human mind. In designing such complex levels yet challenges the capabilities of what does the human mind perceive in related to what they can see is something that I can take away from looking at this game in more depth.

About This Work

By Kim Dela Cruz
Email Kim Dela Cruz
Published On: 17/03/2020