Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

As a rough idea to start thinking aout the PPP project, I attached some of the files that I referenced last semester in Studio 1. Most of them share a similar approach: the scenes are achieved with simple objects (basic geometric or abstract figures). This elements are usually the protagonists of the scene, attracting the viewers attention thanks to its predominance in the frame and the exploration of their physical properties which can go from their composition, consistency, affected or not affected by earth laws like gravity; their materials, some of them creating chromatic dispersion, emitting light, reflecting, among others.

Thinking about a project that may arise, would be amazing to create a linear animation that plays with light and optics, trying to replicate some real-life phenomena.

About This Work

By Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Email Juan Felipe Cadena Parra
Published On: 07/08/2020


Peto, PPP