Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

spinning jump study

In my consult with Kate I deduced that I want to explore animating fight sequences. Something I love about watching anime in particular is that fight sequences in shows such as 'Demon Slayer' 'My Hero Academia' and 'One Punch Man' are epic, extravagant and exaggerated scenes. A lot of the time the choreography is precise and elegant, like in 'Avatar the Last Airbender,' or it becomes a flurry of wild motion smears and action like in 'My Hero Academia.'

Today, I looked at two different movements: a spinning jump and a punch. Both of these were made in Procreate. As someone who is a perfectionist with their art I want to practice looser initial sketches, and spend more time on the positions and frames before refining the art works

for the spinning jump, I focused on exaggerating the height and arc of the leap, storyboarding the movement first with key frames before adding smears.

for the punch, I wanted to exaggerate perspective by making the different body parts bigger or smaller to connote their position in space.

what I am going to look at next is timing the movements, seeing what effect a slow motion movement might have compared to a swift one.