Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In this weeks workshop, we got into groups and analysed either a linear or interactive piece of media in groups. We watched the short film My Moon and discussed how narrative is constructed in it, and how animation is used to tell a story.

when asked how the story is concluded and resolved, we found that the interpretive nature of the story and the use of metaphor and parable creates a sense of melancholy bitter sweetness. The relationship of the celestial beings is related heavily to human experiences of love and heartbreak, and in that sense the resolution of the story is relatable for audience members. It evokes a sadness from the viewer.

We also unpacked the premise wiki 'what if everyone but you was 9ft tall?'

what we found in unpacking this prompt was that by starting with first principles thinking and rejecting abstraction/metaphor from the beginning, we were finding metaphors in the ideas we were coming up with.

For example, if everyone else was 9ft tall, everything else in the world would be built to work for tall people and put small people at a disadvantage. This could then be used as a metaphor for privilege, bigotry and racism/sexism.

About This Work

By Hattie Read
Email Hattie Read
Published On: 10/03/2020