Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The Memoreyes will record calming, comforting experiences with the ability to replay them when I need calm and comfort. This was designed by Moon as we went through a design thinking exercise. Doing this exercise with Moon gave me much joy and useful cause for reflection.

The experience of working through the problem space with Moon was incredibly productive. She had a different perspective and through her design I can see the problem in a different light. The structured approach helped me work through stages of understanding the problem and gave me the chance to think through my thinking.

Start: I want to start exploring my personal experience of sights and sounds of comfort and safety. I want to explore different ways to capture and visualise a VR meditaiton experience.

Stop: I need to stop looking for objective experiences of comfort and safety. I need to stop jumping to a solution, a signle design option for the experience. And I need to stop locking in the technology and from.

Continue: I will continue building a foundation of clear intent to create a learning aid for meditation for people with chronic pain. I'll keep working iteratively to refine, clarify and define the problem under consideration.