Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Games have always been a well-known medium used to portrait human emotion. "Playing with Feelings: Video Games and Affect" by Aubrey Anable pointed out how with the age of computers, games became an important element to enrich people's feelings. In addition, Marry Flanagan and Helen Nissenbaum, through "Values at Play" even designed a framework to determine human emotional values in games. This project, "hate.yourself", is used to explore ways to express the feeling of self-hate. The game tells the story between conflicting parts of the human conscious mind through a color-switching mechanism. Gameplay-wise, players will need to come up with strategies to go through the psychological world to reach the end. This practice-based research shows fellow practitioners how they can express dreadful feelings through puzzle games. It can be seen through the application of the swapping gameplay mechanics, the predominantly monotone illustration, the meaning of each small element, sound design, etc. The game will take part in providing a sense of emotion to players, one of the most vital aspects of the industry

About This Work

By Linh Nguyen
Email Linh Nguyen
Published On: 29/05/2021

