In the animation work of this week, by summarizing the previous work of the week 8, I added the complete follow-up action of the fight.
Aim: The whole style will be presented in cartoon form. Under the attack of the werewolf, Voyu made full use of his speed to avoid the werewolf attack and tried to counter the werewolf in the air, but finally the werewolf cunningly saw through Voyu's moves and defeated him.
Method: Use brushes and related tools in TVPaint to draw werewolf and Voyu action interactions.
Result: For the action side of the character, I tried abstract transformations, such as the werewolf's reaction to being attacked by Voyu. The displacement in the air is represented by the tween by several key frames. Voyu tries to use gravity to kick the werewolf, and the werewolf fights back with his cracked claws. Voyu deftly dodges and punches the werewolf from behind in the stomach. Anticipating this, the werewolf grabs Voyu's hand and throws it into the air.
Reflection: I tried to show the possibility of the extrusion and extension of the characters under different camera handling techniques. While flexible use of layering techniques to separate characters from backgrounds reduces visual confusion caused by overlapping lines in previous versions. Some of Voyu's jumps or aerial rolls and flying kicks refer to “Kamen Rider”, especially when Voyu lands in the air and attacks werewolves using skills similar to “Rider kicks”.
By Junzhe Yan (Jun)
Email Junzhe Yan (Jun)
Published On: 31/05/2022