Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

For this week's exercise, I chose option B and created a simple interactive 2D AR experience. I explored to concept of opposing shapes, a square and a circle. I was inspired by the Rubik's cube and my own isometric designs. I animated an animated loop of a isometric square morphing in a circle and back to a square once again.

The 2D animation was created in Toon Boom Harmony and the AR was done in Adobe Aero. The interactive experience involved taping the isometric square to start the animation. While the GIF file renders normally, I attempted to render it in Adobe AERO but the GIF doesn't play the complete GIF segment. Despite making the file size smaller, the jitter was still the same. I suspect it might have something to do with the resolution as well but the troubleshooting for a simple animation sequence is already a bit of a concern given that I am intending to use Adobe Aero for this project. I will need to do more interactive iterations to see if I come across the same issue.

Not a successful exercise in regards to the interactive segment but a step towards the right direction (I hope)!


About This Work

By Hazel Mejia
Email Hazel Mejia
Published On: 09/10/2022